
It is a Tiny thing !

It is a Tiny thing! TinyML  Machine learning models are becoming increasingly powerful, but also increasingly complex. Therefore, require either a lot of energy or an Internet connection to a server for the application. TinyML is a branch of machine learning and embedded systems research that looks at the kinds of models that may be used on compact, low-power gadgets like microcontrollers. It permits edge devices to do low-latency, low-power, and low-bandwidth model inference. A typical microcontroller uses electricity on the order of milliwatts or microwatts, compared to regular consumer CPUs, which use 65 to 85 watts, and standard consumer GPUs, which use 200 to 500 watts. That uses around a thousand times less energy. TinyML devices can execute ML applications on edge while operating unplugged for weeks, months, and in some circumstances, even years thanks to their low power consumption. TinyML enables machine learning on microcontrollers and Internet of Things (IoT) device...

Kinematics of Articulated robots

  Kinematics of Articulated robots  The  motion of a manipulator  is described by the kinematics of a robot without taking into account the  forces or torques   that are responsible for this motion.  Position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration  are examples of time-dependent or independent problems that are explored in kinematics.  This Blog Discusses the overview of the manipulator before discussing the problems with forward and  inverse kinematics . Inverse kinematics determines joint variables from the position and orientation of the end-effector while  forward kinematics  determines the end-effector position and orientation from joint variables. The operation of forward kinematics is simple, but the challenge of inverse kinematics is more challenging. A chain of mechanical parts known as  links  that are connected to one another by joints makes up the  robot manipulator . Because the manipulator is a co...