Kinematics of Articulated robots


Kinematics of Articulated robots 

The motion of a manipulator is described by the kinematics of a robot without taking into account the forces or torques that are responsible for this motion. Position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration are examples of time-dependent or independent problems that are explored in kinematics. 

This Blog Discusses the overview of the manipulator before discussing the problems with forward and inverse kinematics. Inverse kinematics determines joint variables from the position and orientation of the end-effector while forward kinematics determines the end-effector position and orientation from joint variables. The operation of forward kinematics is simple, but the challenge of inverse kinematics is more challenging.

A chain of mechanical parts known as links that are connected to one another by joints makes up the robot manipulator. Because the manipulator is a complex system made up of numerous interconnected parts, much like the human arm, it is sometimes referred to as the robot arm or simply the arm.

There are two primary types of manipulators: parallel manipulators, in which two or more arms have the same end-effector or ending, and serial manipulators, also known as open-chain robots.

The basic structure of a serial robotic arm consists of 
  • A piece of material that joins one link to another is called a link.
  • A joint is a physical intersection where two connections can move relative to one another is usually called Joint. there are several joins such as 
    • Revolute joint ==>  Allows relative rotation.
    • Prismatic joint ==>  Allows relative translation.
  • End-Effector is the robot's "hand," which is made to hold objects or, in the case of industrial manipulators, machine tools.

When we are dealing with  robotic arms, we usually describe the robot with its
  • Configuration which is the details of every point on a manipulator in Cartesian form.
  • Configuration Space which is the collection of all potential arrangements for points that can be reached inside the working area.
  • Cartesian Space which is a continuous 2D or 3D domain that is constrained by the spots that a robot can reach.
  • Joint Space which is a constant 1-dimensional domain (Matrix) restricted by actuator limitations.
